latest 12 messages by stephend

+ [2016-03-04T23:47:22Z] stephend sometimes I get a 200 OK, other times, a 404
+ [2016-03-04T23:47:08Z] stephend seems to be a problem with some static assets:
+ [2015-06-04T07:13:45Z] stephend eating my earlier words - GitHub already used ThousandEyes:
+ [2015-06-04T04:51:27Z] stephend thx MikeClassic
+ [2015-06-04T04:51:23Z] stephend work uses Zayo (who of course peers with Level 3) and my AT&T home connection is fine now too
+ [2015-06-04T04:50:29Z] stephend wow; nice -- it is, thx
+ [2015-06-04T04:49:31Z] stephend github needs thousand eyes :-)
+ [2015-06-04T04:48:47Z] stephend MikeClassic: yeah, just used their looking glass, seems to be them
+ [2015-06-04T04:48:35Z] stephend
+ [2015-06-04T04:48:00Z] stephend is the issue with level3, or are other transit providers having problems?