+ [2016-03-12T17:06:26Z] hdon canton7, oh, good thinking
+ [2016-03-12T17:34:00Z] stefanct is it possible to enforce some rules by means of a script (triggered e.g. by a webhook) on pushes?
+ [2016-03-12T17:34:31Z] stefanct i am aware of the protected branches and enforced status thingies but they appear to only make merging from PRs impossible not direct pushes
+ [2016-03-12T17:35:08Z] stefanct and the obvious alternative (to use server-side update hooks) is equally obviously not applicable for (free) github repos
+ [2016-03-12T21:52:51Z] Huvet Hi, can I ask questions about Git LFS here? Specifically about it not working with Heroku. Is it something that I have to install on the server before pulling from there?

message no. 126872

Posted by gkwhc in #github at 2016-03-12T00:27:46Z

its CNAME record pointing to user.github.io right?
+ [2016-03-13T05:08:35Z] highbass i have 2 factor authentication enabled on my account... how would i go about pushing/pulling code using https?
+ [2016-03-13T05:46:49Z] milki highbass: theres probably a github faq about that
+ [2016-03-13T05:47:14Z] highbass milki: couldn't figure it out.. just used ssh keys instead
+ [2016-03-13T05:49:00Z] milki highbass: https://help.github.com/articles/providing-your-2fa-authentication-code/#through-the-command-line
+ [2016-03-13T05:50:05Z] highbass milki: yeah thats the article i used... wasn't clear on configuring the personal access token for git projects