latest 13 messages by gkwhc

+ [2016-03-12T13:33:05Z] gkwhc hey guys, im new to git. do i have to pull in order to update my edits?
+ [2016-03-12T00:35:31Z] gkwhc thanks VxJasonxV!
+ [2016-03-12T00:35:27Z] gkwhc oh sweet i just had to wait for the DNS to update
+ [2016-03-12T00:31:33Z] gkwhc hmm let me look through that more carefully this time haha
+ [2016-03-12T00:28:25Z] gkwhc since the A record points to an IP (which is currently offline)
+ [2016-03-12T00:27:46Z] gkwhc its CNAME record pointing to right?
+ [2016-03-12T00:26:45Z] gkwhc thus the page doesnt show
+ [2016-03-12T00:25:40Z] gkwhc well since i have a CNAME file set up on github, whenever i type it redirects to, which the original server is currently offline
+ [2016-03-12T00:24:13Z] gkwhc oh i guess thats a no then
+ [2016-03-12T00:23:55Z] gkwhc VxJasonxV: can I have it serve it from, but have github use my custom domain name?
+ [2016-03-12T00:22:00Z] gkwhc VxJasonxV: oh! huh good to know. I was trying to make a static copy of my website so that when the server is down, it redirects to the page
+ [2016-03-12T00:19:57Z] gkwhc VxJasonxV: yes
+ [2016-03-12T00:17:21Z] gkwhc hey guys, I recently just set up a page and for some reason it is redirecting to my custom url...where as I wanted my custom url to direct to github i missing something?!