+ [2016-03-20T23:42:03Z] Zarthus that guy is avoiding the specifics and overflowing us with extra info :D
+ [2016-03-20T23:42:24Z] angular_mike oh shit, I accidentally pasted link into common chat
+ [2016-03-20T23:43:26Z] angular_mike seems like a 'my first webpage'
+ [2016-03-20T23:43:42Z] angular_mike can't say i did much better in my times

message no. 127553

Posted by VxJasonxV in #github at 2016-03-20T00:31:26Z

see https://help.github.com/articles/keeping-your-email-address-private/#my-old-commits-still-have-my-old-email-address for fixing old ones
+ [2016-03-21T00:45:38Z] knod Any advice for trying to deploy a subtree to github? Trying to read tutorials, but getting confused about what names are keywords, etc.
+ [2016-03-21T00:46:04Z] knod And whether I'm making a new branch that I have to keep committing to, or whether it gets updated with the rest. And how to link (like with -u) it so I can just do git push.
+ [2016-03-21T00:53:02Z] pasky Hi! Anyone else having trouble editing issues?
+ [2016-03-21T00:55:18Z] pasky (oh never mind, apparently my chromium got weird, restarting the browser helped)
+ [2016-03-21T01:15:45Z] knod Any advice for trying to deploy a subtree to github? Trying to read tutorials, but getting confused about what names are keywords, etc.