latest 20 messages by knod

+ [2017-03-31T20:03:28Z] knod That way, if someone can help, they will
+ [2017-03-31T20:03:15Z] knod Skyie: You'll generally get more response if you just ask the question
+ [2017-03-31T19:45:03Z] knod Gamah: Ok, thanks
+ [2017-03-31T19:31:49Z] knod When someone makes a pull request on master, how do I pull into another branch?
+ [2017-03-04T12:12:47Z] knod How do I search for code testing integrations? I can't find it in the left-hand column
+ [2017-03-03T22:00:50Z] knod Is there a better channel to go to to ask about integrations?
+ [2017-03-03T21:57:41Z] knod How do I search for code testing integrations? I can't find it in the left-hand column
+ [2017-01-08T15:06:30Z] knod !
+ [2017-01-08T15:06:28Z] knod canton7: Thanks1
+ [2017-01-08T14:23:33Z] knod Anyone know where I file that issue?
+ [2017-01-08T14:23:24Z] knod I guess I'll report the possible bug
+ [2017-01-08T14:23:19Z] knod I tried again and it worked just fine.
+ [2017-01-08T13:46:25Z] knod *pushing. When pushing
+ [2017-01-08T13:45:12Z] knod When pusing, I got the error "! [remote rejected] master -> master (pre-receive hook declined)". The size of the push is "96.37 KiB". What's going on?
+ [2016-12-09T22:48:14Z] knod Settings. Awesome, thanks.
+ [2016-12-09T22:46:10Z] knod Is it possible to file issues on a fork?
+ [2016-12-09T20:26:07Z] knod rindolf: I got some advice from another channel - seems I copied a folder with its own git into my main project's dir
+ [2016-12-09T20:02:17Z] knod That sounds promising
+ [2016-12-09T20:00:14Z] knod rindolf: modified: node_modules/unfluff-custom (modified content, untracked content)
+ [2016-12-09T19:55:28Z] knod I have a file that I can't seem to stage for commit. The git diff shows the commit ID removed and the commit ID + '-dirty' added. What should I do?