+[2016-03-29T23:47:40Z]tang^perhaps +[2016-03-29T23:48:10Z]tang^there's a lot of examples of "self hosted gist" code in various languages +[2016-03-29T23:48:20Z]VxJasonxVgists are repositories, you can interact with them via git +[2016-03-29T23:48:32Z]VxJasonxVit leverages the same capabilities that powers GitHub itself. +[2016-03-29T23:49:47Z]user083But it is a striped down version such as no directory support or branches
I want to make something similar and i am not finding any information about how they made github gist
+[2016-03-30T00:10:19Z]VxJasonxVthe web interface won't display it, but you can include it in the repository +[2016-03-30T00:10:22Z]VxJasonxVso, yes and no +[2016-03-30T01:11:34Z]TheHackOpsDoes anyone know how helpful github is when it comes to rolling back an entire repo +[2016-03-30T01:11:48Z]TheHackOpsI dont need to atm but just curious +[2016-03-30T01:12:05Z]TheHackOpsI am a paying user if that helps