latest 6 messages by user083

+ [2016-03-29T23:49:47Z] user083 But it is a striped down version such as no directory support or branches
+ [2016-03-29T23:47:18Z] user083 does the same principal apply?
+ [2016-03-29T23:46:57Z] user083 This old article answers by questions about full git repositories
+ [2016-03-29T23:44:58Z] user083 I want to make something similar and i am not finding any information about how they made github gist
+ [2016-03-29T23:44:10Z] user083 VxJasonxV, I know that each gist is a repository, but how do they store them? do they store each git object as a row in a database or is the whole gist stored on disk in folders?
+ [2016-03-29T23:02:24Z] user083 How does github gist work in the backend?