+[2016-04-02T10:52:26Z]kityaanoB) Static Site == Static Architecture +[2016-04-02T10:52:35Z]kityaano'Static Site is not Static Content' --> What does this phrase mean? +[2016-04-02T10:52:57Z]kityaanosource: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jeQCoiZT5gg +[2016-04-02T11:05:51Z]kityaanoA) Static Site != Static Content +[2016-04-02T11:05:51Z]kityaanoA --> ?
'Static Site is not Static Content' --> What does this phrase mean?
+[2016-04-22T01:21:01Z]buddabellyHey all! Is there a way to make a static page that can be generated with octopress? +[2016-04-22T01:21:13Z]buddabellyNot a posting, but more like a page to list accomplishments and such +[2016-04-22T02:02:22Z]Anandawardhana_buddabelly, sure you can, see here under "new pages" http://octopress.org/docs/blogging/ +[2016-04-22T02:18:40Z]buddabellyAnandawardhana_: Well hot damn, thanks! +[2016-04-22T02:19:04Z]Anandawardhana_no problem :-)