+[2016-04-23T12:26:26Z]funkenstrahlenHowever it does not quite work. It generates the files for just a millisencond. then they are removed again +[2016-04-23T12:26:44Z]funkenstrahlenI suppose they are removed by the regular post html generation? +[2016-04-23T12:26:51Z]funkenstrahlenhow can I fix that? +[2016-04-23T12:27:42Z]funkenstrahlenI use jekyll3 btw +[2016-04-23T13:11:42Z]funkenstrahlenanyone?
this is what I got: https://gist.github.com/1760b3ba5d55a6161a54f85c02c17703
+[2016-04-24T02:31:13Z]ardianHi, I have a problem with my jekyll site, I have a blog section /blog which lists all the posts I have, but the moment I visit a posts it removes /blog, and goes just mysite.com/2016/.... +[2016-04-24T02:33:44Z]Gondlardi I understand you correctly that the links on your post overview point to the wrong location? +[2016-04-24T02:33:49Z]Gondlar*did +[2016-04-24T02:36:44Z]ardianGondlar: I have a site mysite.com basic home page, blog is in mysite.com/blog lists all my posts, but the way the url is generated doesn't include /blog/ even though the page exists with /blog/.... +[2016-04-24T02:37:12Z]Gondlarand only /blog is generated with jekyll?