latest 15 messages by ardian

+ [2016-04-24T13:48:59Z] ardian I think I have a timezone problem with my posts not showing up on github, has anyone had this problem ? even though I have added a timezone: to my config file
+ [2016-04-24T03:11:19Z] ardian thnx jaybe
+ [2016-04-24T03:11:16Z] ardian ah ok
+ [2016-04-24T03:06:22Z] ardian One more thing can I change the structure of the date in _posts can it be Day-Month-Year ?
+ [2016-04-24T02:46:50Z] ardian \o/ win, thanks anyway Gondlar
+ [2016-04-24T02:46:22Z] ardian the permalink on my html was wrong
+ [2016-04-24T02:46:05Z] ardian I fixed it
+ [2016-04-24T02:44:57Z] ardian /blog/:categories/:title/ like this ?
+ [2016-04-24T02:44:41Z] ardian how should my permalink look like
+ [2016-04-24T02:40:02Z] ardian Gondlar: this way
+ [2016-04-24T02:38:45Z] ardian since going directly to http://localhost:4000/blog/welcome-to-jekyll/ works
+ [2016-04-24T02:38:25Z] ardian http://localhost:4000/welcome-to-jekyll/ this is what is href points me, I want it to be http://localhost:4000/blog/welcome-to-jekyll/
+ [2016-04-24T02:37:28Z] ardian Gondlar: no the complete site is with jekyll
+ [2016-04-24T02:36:44Z] ardian Gondlar: I have a site basic home page, blog is in lists all my posts, but the way the url is generated doesn't include /blog/ even though the page exists with /blog/....
+ [2016-04-24T02:31:13Z] ardian Hi, I have a problem with my jekyll site, I have a blog section /blog which lists all the posts I have, but the moment I visit a posts it removes /blog, and goes just