+ [9 years ago] Epitrope owen1: this might be what you're looking for: https://github.com/blog/1547-release-your-software
+ [9 years ago] owen1 Epitrope: awesome
+ [9 years ago] Epitrope cybernite: yeah, that's what I was thinking of... you only need the setup once (per repo), but then you can check out any pr against that repo without adding the other user's repo
+ [9 years ago] Lucifer333 hola, how do i turn on gitter for a project?
+ [9 years ago] Lucifer333 hola, how do i turn on gitter for a project?

message no. 133116

Posted by graphitemaster in #github at 2016-04-25T11:49:10Z

trying to leave a bunch of organizations from editing my profile
+ [9 years ago] vith does pushing to a branch in an active PR send notifications to participants in the PR thread?
+ [9 years ago] locrian9 I wanted to create a template .gitignore to start using when I need to keep some dotfiles (eg .configrc) in my github remote repo. Here's a situation, and maybe someone has an answer. When you have the following directories under a main directory "foo" ("bar", "bash", "bin"), and you do a "git init" (while inside the "foo" directory). Then while still inside main directory "foo", you create a ".gitigno
+ [9 years ago] locrian9 re" file, and put the following separated lines inside that .gitignore file.. Here I'll note the line#s in parenthesis (not code): (line#1) # Ignore everything (line#2) * (line#3) # But not these files (line#4) !*.txt (line#5) !*.doc (line#6) # Keep these directories (line#7) !bar (line#8) !bash (line#9) # ... even if they are in subdirectories (line#10) !*/ (end of file). When I did a "git status", after
+ [9 years ago] gitinfo [!bare] A bare repository is used to push/fetch(useful for running a git server), and contains only the contents of .git/ from a "normal" repo. Read more: http://bare-vs-nonbare.gitrecipes.de/
+ [9 years ago] locrian9 creating the .gitignore, I noticed the "bin" directory not listed in the "untracked files" as expected. Then I edited the .gitignore file and put in the line: !bin . I did another "git status" but it still didn't list the file as "untracked". When does the .gitignore take it's action? Is the action taken durring the "git init" or durring the "git add"?