latest 20 messages by graphitemaster

+ [2016-11-24T23:42:29Z] graphitemaster << ((1<<3)-1)^(1<<3)
+ [2016-08-27T16:58:49Z] graphitemaster would be nice if you can message another fellow githubber directly
+ [2016-07-28T06:45:11Z] graphitemaster yeah there is about two weeks of activity missing
+ [2016-04-25T12:05:49Z] graphitemaster selckin, or we could have a non-silly redirect to the homepage on each leave
+ [2016-04-25T11:50:40Z] graphitemaster it really should not take you to the homepage like that
+ [2016-04-25T11:49:54Z] graphitemaster then select leave on the other one
+ [2016-04-25T11:49:43Z] graphitemaster so if you want to leave another one you have to go to your profile
+ [2016-04-25T11:49:22Z] graphitemaster when you leave an organization it takes you straight back to the homepage
+ [2016-04-25T11:49:10Z] graphitemaster trying to leave a bunch of organizations from editing my profile
+ [2016-03-28T21:22:34Z] graphitemaster how do I compare two branches manually
+ [2015-09-16T22:32:43Z] graphitemaster Where do I suggest features for github
+ [2015-04-20T22:34:56Z] graphitemaster fatal: unable to access '': Unknown SSL protocol error in connection to