+ [2016-04-28T23:02:59Z] apricity IdentityFile ~/.ssh/github_rsa now it's working
+ [2016-04-28T23:02:59Z] apricity Geo, I edited .ssh/config and added the line Host github.com
+ [2016-04-28T23:03:54Z] Geo great
+ [2016-04-28T23:20:24Z] glassresistor so I'm trying to setup realms-wiki, which is a git based wiki that works off a of local repository. what is the easiest way to have it automatically update whenever a change is made to github?
+ [2016-04-28T23:22:05Z] glassresistor I'd rather not just set cron to pull every couple of minutes. something like having a webhook trigger a git pull origin master would be great but i'd rather use something off the shelf than write it myself

message no. 133844

Posted by apricity in #github at 2016-04-28T22:25:57Z

I'm currently commiting to two different github repos, one is allowing me to use usr/name pass and two factor auth with my cell phone. the other repo makes me use the oauth. I want to get rid of having to use the oauth token and just use usr/pass two factor. I own the repo, do i just turn oauth off?
+ [2016-04-29T00:06:32Z] JnNy2 Hey, I'm pretty new to github. Would anybody be willing to help me figure out why 'git push' isn't working for me?
+ [2016-04-29T00:08:52Z] JnNy I get the 'everything is up to date' message, but nothing has uploaded to my repo
+ [2016-04-29T00:17:16Z] VxJasonxV JnNy: sounds like everything's up to date
+ [2016-04-29T00:17:20Z] VxJasonxV are you looking at the right branch?
+ [2016-04-29T00:17:26Z] VxJasonxV have you committed?