latest 15 messages by apricity

+ [2016-07-20T22:54:57Z] apricity I ran git add . before adding my .gitignore. How do i remove all added files so i can re-add only the files not in my .gitignore
+ [2016-07-05T21:04:45Z] apricity thanks was actually just trying that :)
+ [2016-07-05T20:48:50Z] apricity how do I push an existing local project to a github organization from the terminal? I tried publishing my project using jetbrains ide, but it ended up in my normal users account instead of the organization and I'd prefer not to transfer it.
+ [2016-04-28T23:02:59Z] apricity IdentityFile ~/.ssh/github_rsa now it's working
+ [2016-04-28T23:02:59Z] apricity Geo, I edited .ssh/config and added the line Host
+ [2016-04-28T22:52:54Z] apricity that second file should read *
+ [2016-04-28T22:52:05Z] apricity I'm trying to git clone from cygwin on windows and I get permission denied (public key) I do have github_rsa and github_rsa files under C:/Users/Me/.ssh any ideas? I don't think it knows where to look for the private key.
+ [2016-04-28T22:35:34Z] apricity Seveas, should i delete my oauth token, then recheckout the project that is asking for it?
+ [2016-04-28T22:34:10Z] apricity yeah ssh key sounds good, i just want to get rid of the oauth stuff
+ [2016-04-28T22:32:28Z] apricity hmm well i pushed to one repo just now and i could use my usr/pass and then it asked for my phones auth code.. this is a friends repo. Then I pushed to a repo in an organization that i own and it made me type in usr/oauthtoken
+ [2016-04-28T22:29:21Z] apricity sorry that wasn't a very fluid question.... are my github personal access tokens global for all repos I contribute to or are they tied to specific repos?
+ [2016-04-28T22:25:57Z] apricity I'm currently commiting to two different github repos, one is allowing me to use usr/name pass and two factor auth with my cell phone. the other repo makes me use the oauth. I want to get rid of having to use the oauth token and just use usr/pass two factor. I own the repo, do i just turn oauth off?
+ [2016-04-28T22:22:21Z] apricity what is the purpose of using an oauth token instead of your normal github password? is it because the oauth is paired with a certain machine?