+[2016-05-08T23:26:36Z]libraciousnow...the master is been merged with several other PR from other branches +[2016-05-08T23:26:50Z]libraciousnow my question is can i update my branch A from the master and the PR from A? +[2016-05-08T23:44:05Z]gitinfo[!pull_upstream] To incorporate changes from an "upstream" or forked-from repository: git remote add upstream $URL; git fetch upstream; git merge upstream/$BRANCH. https://help.github.com/articles/syncing-a-fork/ +[2016-05-08T23:44:05Z]VxJasonxV!sync +[2016-05-08T23:44:09Z]VxJasonxVlibracious: ^
+[2016-05-09T10:21:06Z]soupnanodesukarWhat's github's policy of including screenshots? Particularly, where to put it and what if it shows some sort of copyrighted content? +[2016-05-09T10:58:07Z]Elysiasoupnanodesukar: your repository may be removed if it violates the license of the image +[2016-05-09T11:32:22Z]soupnanodesukarElysia: thanks. +[2016-05-09T11:35:25Z]Elysiasoupnanodesukar: if you want an official response I recommend !sgc +[2016-05-09T11:35:25Z]gitinfosoupnanodesukar: For bug reports, feature requests, suggestions for improvement, or specific problems with an individual repo (or gist, etc.), please contact support via support@github.com or https://github.com/support - support tries to answer all questions within 24 hours, including weekends and holidays.