latest 20 messages by TomyLobo

+ [2020-03-26T08:08:38Z] TomyLobo what's the status of this? comments are exploding, everyone wants it, I want it, too :)
+ [2017-01-18T18:07:35Z] TomyLobo i use git-lfs with a proper .gitattributes with patterns for typically large files and all. There's a guy who probably wont understand git, let alone git-lfs, any time soon. Can I tell him to use SVN and GitHub's SVN adapter will commit the files matching the aforementioned patterns to git-lfs?
+ [2017-01-16T20:46:03Z] TomyLobo i use git-lfs with a proper .gitattributes with patterns for typically large files and all. There's a guy who probably wont understand git, let alone git-lfs, any time soon. Can I tell him to use SVN and GitHub's SVN adapter will commit the files matching the aforementioned patterns to git-lfs?
+ [2016-10-12T19:48:47Z] TomyLobo if I upload files here and commit them, will they go to git-lfs if .gitattributes says so?
+ [2016-06-01T18:25:26Z] TomyLobo according to this merge commit, it's in version 1.2.0, which is the version i use
+ [2016-06-01T18:24:45Z] TomyLobo this PR seems to suggest that shouldn't happen
+ [2016-06-01T18:23:47Z] TomyLobo git-lfs keeps downloading the files from github instead of taking them from the reference
+ [2016-06-01T18:23:20Z] TomyLobo i'm having trouble with git-lfs and clones with --reference
+ [2016-06-01T18:00:13Z] TomyLobo gitlab solved that by adding public deploy keys... maybe github has such a thing too?
+ [2016-06-01T16:34:42Z] TomyLobo i cant even tell where it's downloading them to
+ [2016-06-01T16:34:21Z] TomyLobo how can i make it not redownload all the git-lfs objects?
+ [2016-06-01T16:33:40Z] TomyLobo with $tree being the branch i want to check out
+ [2016-06-01T16:33:24Z] TomyLobo GIT_DIR=/path/to/my/git/repo/.git GIT_INDEX_FILE=/path/to/fakeindex git checkout "$tree" -- .
+ [2016-06-01T16:32:03Z] TomyLobo i have a local git repo with some git-lfs stuff in it. i want to make a secondary checkout. It's redownloading all the git-lfs objects
+ [2016-05-10T20:35:48Z] TomyLobo (has to be nonexistant
+ [2016-05-10T20:35:39Z] TomyLobo 3. enter random branch name in the text box