+ [2016-05-10T23:11:20Z] primesenseMania ../EngineLibMakefile:24: /usr/include/ni/CommonMakefile: No such file or directory make[1]: *** No rule to make target `/usr/include/ni/CommonMakefile'. Stop.
+ [2016-05-10T23:12:02Z] primesenseMania I get this message while trying to install something from git
+ [2016-05-10T23:12:37Z] primesenseMania the repositories are supposed to be complete aren't they ?

message no. 134887

Posted by lmat in #github at 2016-05-10T20:34:55Z

TomyLobo: Congrats!
+ [2016-05-11T00:03:25Z] DrDuck Hello. I made an accident and tried to commit in a directory I shouldn't have. After commiting in the proper directory, the other is now grayed out. Any way to deal with this quickly, as I need the grayed out directory.
+ [2016-05-11T00:05:41Z] VxJasonxV a gray directory on github means it's empty
+ [2016-05-11T00:05:49Z] VxJasonxV it doesn't mean it's missing, it just means there's no files in it
+ [2016-05-11T00:06:26Z] DrDuck VxJasonxV: There are files on it on my end, but not on github. Any quick fix for populating the directory with the files that are on my end?