latest 20 messages by lmat

+ [2019-11-15T17:10:36Z] lmat Would have been nice 30 years ago, but we'll take what we can get, eh?
+ [2019-11-15T17:10:00Z] lmat tang^: Oh, openssh works on Microsoft Windows?
+ [2019-11-15T17:08:16Z] lmat tang^: "$GIT_SSH ... just the path to the program..." Cool.
+ [2019-11-15T17:07:30Z] lmat ah, so GIT_SSH just points to the binary?
+ [2019-11-15T17:05:56Z] lmat there we go. git fetch --all works now. Thanks again!
+ [2019-11-15T17:05:11Z] lmat looks like core.sshCommand is what I want.
+ [2019-11-15T17:04:54Z] lmat tang^: Cool, thanks for the help!
+ [2019-11-15T17:04:27Z] lmat tang^:
+ [2019-11-15T17:03:18Z] lmat okay
+ [2019-11-15T17:02:26Z] lmat tang^: or maybe GIT_SSH_COMMAND? ;-)
+ [2019-11-15T17:02:02Z] lmat tang^: do you mean GIT_SSH='/usr/bin/ssh -v' ?
+ [2019-11-15T16:59:16Z] lmat But is there any way to diagnose this? With ssh, there's a verbose flag that tells me what authentication methods it's trying (and lots of other information). git fetch -v; is pretty weak.
+ [2019-11-15T16:58:46Z] lmat Ahhhhh I think it's using the wrong SSH key.
+ [2019-11-15T16:57:16Z] lmat By the way, access works just fine with https. I'm just tired of typing my password.
+ [2019-11-15T16:57:05Z] lmat ssh -T; seems to know who I am, though!
+ [2019-11-15T16:54:20Z] lmat It is a private repository, so it seems like I should be sending my username somewhere in there?
+ [2019-11-15T16:51:49Z] lmat I'm having trouble with my SSH keys. I generated a new key (not id_rsa) and uploaded the public key to github settings. It looks good. Now I have a repository that shows git remote -v; as; When I git fetch --all; I get "ERROR: Repository not found."
+ [2016-05-10T20:34:55Z] lmat TomyLobo: Congrats!
+ [2016-05-10T20:34:51Z] lmat (too bad you can't compute the whole tree from the commit hash...Linus needs to get back to work)
+ [2016-05-10T20:34:30Z] lmat TomyLobo: You don't have that commit on your machine?