+ [2016-05-15T18:36:34Z] Metuo ndim: I figured it all out ndim, thank you for your advice
+ [2016-05-15T19:15:50Z] KeyWeeUsr hi guys! why can't I call "https://api.github.com/users/KeyWeeUsr/repos" with ajax?
+ [2016-05-15T20:40:48Z] Ilyes512 hello guys. Can anyone here help me setup my dns records for github pages. I am doing something wrong, but not sure what it is
+ [2016-05-15T21:00:15Z] systemsgotyou is there away to view the lines of code for a user per week?

message no. 135670

Posted by Metuo in #github at 2016-05-15T18:31:31Z

So I should fork it?
+ [2016-05-16T00:20:28Z] xelra Is there a link that let's me directly download the latest release? I know the link that will get me to the page of the latest release, but can I directly download?
+ [2016-05-16T15:00:35Z] nishbanoo I'm working on a repo that has been chaned since I have been working on; If I follow this instrucrtion: http://stackoverflow.com/a/7244456 what will happen for my works; My works has not been commited yet;
+ [2016-05-16T15:49:08Z] JoshS How do I change the description at the top of the page of one of my repositories?
+ [2016-05-16T15:49:23Z] JoshS There doesn't seem to be any way to edit those.
+ [2016-05-16T15:52:27Z] jhass JoshS: there's an Edit link right next to it