+ [2016-05-29T22:59:16Z] zacwalls I am very new to github and git, and I am having quite a hard time here. I am trying to upload a project to my github repo via git and I am running into errors. So first I cd'd into my project, then I git init and then when I tried to git commit -m "", I got back this: http://pastebin.com/rgTMxrr5
+ [2016-05-29T22:59:36Z] zacwalls Now I can't git push -u origin master
+ [2016-05-29T22:59:53Z] apo zacwalls: you have to git add
+ [2016-05-29T23:03:41Z] zacwalls apo, Oh, so do I have to git add each indvitual file or can I do them all in one command?
+ [2016-05-29T23:05:42Z] zacwalls Nvm I got it. Thanks :)

message no. 137259

Posted by dmko in #github at 2016-05-29T14:51:03Z

I've setup the github/slack integration, and now all my personal commits are showing up as the slack bot... is this expected behavior, any way around it?
+ [2016-05-30T09:39:43Z] cnx hi there may I ask newbie questions here?
+ [2016-05-30T09:40:21Z] cnx I'm trynna sync my dotfiles to github
+ [2016-05-30T09:40:36Z] cnx I've already upload all the stuffs
+ [2016-05-30T09:41:06Z] cnx now how could I sync the repo in my computer with the online repo
+ [2016-05-30T09:41:17Z] cnx means the two folder are the same?