latest 13 messages by dmko

+ [2016-05-31T08:11:41Z] dmko If I make a pull request, and then commit more changes, are those new changes definitively rolled into the pending pull request? If so, is the only way to make a new pull request or prevent new changes from rolling into that, to create a new branch and commit to that (not sure if that will work, just guessing)?
+ [2016-05-30T14:20:41Z] dmko oh wait, seems to have rolled into the previously pending pull request, does that make sense?
+ [2016-05-30T14:19:15Z] dmko this new one does say that it can be merged automatically...
+ [2016-05-30T14:19:07Z] dmko I've made a new pull request, but I don't see the review or final "create pull request" button
+ [2016-05-29T15:01:13Z] dmko sim642: n/m, gotta go, will try and sort it out later ;)
+ [2016-05-29T14:51:03Z] dmko I've setup the github/slack integration, and now all my personal commits are showing up as the slack bot... is this expected behavior, any way around it?
+ [2016-05-26T09:31:37Z] dmko gotcha... in any case I just setup slack integration which does post :D
+ [2016-05-26T09:04:00Z] dmko Or more to the point, how can I see that there ARE pending changes so I know I need to sync?
+ [2016-05-26T09:03:50Z] dmko using github desktop, if remote user makes some changes and pushes (commit+sync) to the repository, how can I see those pending changes before syncing?
+ [2015-06-11T12:56:49Z] dmko oh nm- I see, create an organization. Thanks!
+ [2015-06-11T12:56:00Z] dmko but just once, for that corporate account
+ [2015-06-11T12:55:46Z] dmko i.e. not having to pay $7/mo per user
+ [2015-06-11T12:55:37Z] dmko question- what is the process to create a corporate account and have a bunch of coders on the private repository?