+ [2016-06-05T19:07:04Z] Zarthus it will be much effort to implement as well :)
+ [2016-06-05T19:07:57Z] glauxosdever Ok, I wondered if there was some builtin functionality, seems there is not.
+ [2016-06-05T19:08:09Z] Zarthus Nope, it would be silly for one service to promote using anothers
+ [2016-06-05T19:08:26Z] Zarthus integrations that provide extended functionality? Sure. Syncing? That's just bad business.
+ [2016-06-05T19:08:34Z] Zarthus you need something third party

message no. 138100

Posted by Seveas_ in #github at 2016-06-05T17:50:41Z

Maybe the borg have taken him, and he is indeed no longer human
+ [2016-06-06T06:00:10Z] syndikate Hello people, I am trying to create a file in my repo using api ( gihub_api gem, rails app) although I am failing with a 404 error. I have already setup omniauth, and it works fine. I have the access token as well
+ [2016-06-06T13:16:08Z] npo1 Zarthus: are you still here?
+ [2016-06-06T13:49:43Z] zmo hi o/
+ [2016-06-06T13:50:04Z] zmo I'm doing a pull request creation using the API on that repository: guyzmo/git-repo