latest 16 messages by bathtub_shark

+ [2016-06-03T13:01:24Z] bathtub_shark personally i'd say a new repo is fine for this
+ [2016-06-03T13:01:16Z] bathtub_shark but you're okay with bogus commits?
+ [2016-06-03T12:40:32Z] bathtub_shark commit your changes in your fork
+ [2016-06-02T12:31:35Z] bathtub_shark it inherits the properties of the branch you're currently on
+ [2016-06-02T12:29:41Z] bathtub_shark "search" for your new branch
+ [2016-06-02T12:24:54Z] bathtub_shark github permits making branches
+ [2016-06-01T11:49:37Z] bathtub_shark doesn't seem as practical as just generating a key, but it's probably the best you will find
+ [2016-06-01T11:48:55Z] bathtub_shark
+ [2016-06-01T11:48:39Z] bathtub_shark it also has oauth applications
+ [2016-06-01T11:48:28Z] bathtub_shark yeah, 'third party access' was what i was referring to
+ [2016-06-01T11:47:49Z] bathtub_shark I was under the impression you could add services/integrations/apps with that
+ [2016-06-01T11:46:43Z] bathtub_shark corruptmem: you can switch account context in the home page