+ [2016-06-19T10:43:04Z] Dj_ Hi, i want to create series of blogs like page1, page2 and so on .. i have created rake new_post["something"]
+ [2016-06-19T10:43:18Z] Dj_ now at the bottom of the page how do i add links like
+ [2016-06-19T10:43:31Z] Dj_ >> Chapter 2 is here
+ [2016-06-19T10:43:37Z] Dj_ >> Chapter 3 is here
+ [2016-06-19T10:43:54Z] Dj_ how do i do that ? i dont have any web development experience

message no. 139796

Posted by Dj_ in #octopress at 2016-06-19T10:43:31Z

>> Chapter 2 is here
+ [2016-07-30T23:56:29Z] w00tsee windows python IDE's, what is your prefference?
+ [2016-08-24T11:59:06Z] crinus hi all
+ [2016-08-24T11:59:19Z] crinus Got learning a bit of Ruby through the Octopress
+ [2016-08-24T23:24:30Z] viktorivan Hi, I am trying to install octopress 3.0, but I have an error when a set the octopress-ink theme
+ [2016-08-24T23:25:01Z] viktorivan it works fine with minima theme