+[2016-06-21T22:14:02Z]J_128Can someone help me? +[2016-06-21T22:15:51Z]gitinfoJ_128: There are several good books available about git; 'Pro Git' is probably the best: http://git-scm.com/book but also look at !bottomup !cs !gcs !designers !gitt !vcbe and !parable +[2016-06-21T22:15:50Z]tobiasvlJ_128: !book +[2016-06-21T22:22:08Z]gitinfoJ_128: you're welcome, but please note that I'm a bot. I'm not programmed to care. +[2016-06-21T22:22:08Z]J_128gitinfo: Thanks! I found what I needed. I'll have to remember `git push origin master`. :) Thanks for the help!
+[2016-06-22T02:16:01Z]github647say I opened a PR to someone else's repo; the CI build failed due to a network error or a flickering test +[2016-06-22T02:16:33Z]github647is there a way to trigger a new build without pushing to the branch again? +[2016-06-22T02:53:02Z]jabhey guys +[2016-06-22T02:53:08Z]jabso i have a problem logging in +[2016-06-22T02:53:23Z]jabi'm outside the country so i don't have access to my SMS two-factor code