+[2016-06-30T18:01:17Z]Zarthusreupload a resized image? +[2016-06-30T18:01:29Z]Zarthusnormal markdown supports embedding html, but gh doesn't +[2016-06-30T18:12:49Z]renatosilvawat? did you try? +[2016-06-30T21:30:45Z]rindolfHi all. +[2016-06-30T23:36:46Z]cholcombeAfter following the example here: https://gist.github.com/domenic/ec8b0fc8ab45f39403dd I'm getting an error that the deploy_key doesn't exist but I've added it to my repo
is there any special syntax for dealing with icons in markdown?
+[2016-07-01T01:34:45Z]jeenquestion: when I merge a Pull Request on Github, for some reason it sets the Committer to noreply@github.com. I don't think it used to do that? Anybody know how I can avoid this? +[2016-07-01T01:35:34Z]GeoHi, if a user submitted a PR, and I like some of it but not the rest, what's an efficient way of editing their changes before merging? +[2016-07-01T01:37:13Z]jeenGeo, you can either ask for write access on their fork, or else pull their feature branch locally, edit, then push to origin. +[2016-07-01T01:38:08Z]Geothe latter is more likely +[2016-07-01T01:38:09Z]Geook