latest 12 messages by cholcombe

+ [2016-06-30T23:36:46Z] cholcombe After following the example here: I'm getting an error that the deploy_key doesn't exist but I've added it to my repo
+ [2015-08-20T23:53:10Z] cholcombe alright i'll nuke it and see what happens :)
+ [2015-08-20T23:52:40Z] cholcombe so i should axe that?
+ [2015-08-20T23:52:28Z] cholcombe i wonder if i should just manually set it
+ [2015-08-20T23:50:50Z] cholcombe yeah it's in master
+ [2015-08-20T23:48:33Z] cholcombe VxJasonxV, i wonder if my TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG Is wrong. that's what i had in my .travis.yml file
+ [2015-08-20T23:46:16Z] cholcombe VxJasonxV, good catch. Whoops
+ [2015-08-20T23:45:25Z] cholcombe VxJasonxV, what's the problem?
+ [2015-08-20T23:34:18Z] cholcombe VxJasonxV, i must've messed up something then. It's been almost 2hrs now
+ [2015-08-20T23:08:44Z] cholcombe does this look right: ?
+ [2015-08-20T23:06:41Z] cholcombe does gh_pages take over an hour to generate the first time around?