+ [2016-07-14T19:49:05Z] gitinfo For bug reports, feature requests, suggestions for improvement, or specific problems with an individual repo (or gist, etc.), please contact support via support@github.com or https://github.com/support - support tries to answer all questions within 24 hours, including weekends and holidays.
+ [2016-07-14T19:49:05Z] Zarthus you can submit suggestions via !sgc
+ [2016-07-14T23:16:36Z] mentok Quick question about pages if anyone can help? Locally, css seems to work fine, but when I push to the repo, it seems like it's only partially loading..

message no. 143265

Posted by VxJasonxV in #github at 2016-07-14T00:15:49Z

not that you're here to see that answer
+ [2016-07-15T02:14:04Z] fahadash Where is the option to copy the clone URL?
+ [2016-07-15T02:14:10Z] fahadash Why do you guys move things around too much?
+ [2016-07-15T03:24:57Z] deltab fahadash: click the green 'Clone or download' button
+ [2016-07-15T03:59:30Z] inhwrb i forked a repo, cloned it, made some changes to it, and then sent a pull request
+ [2016-07-15T03:59:46Z] inhwrb however, since then, the file name extensions of the file i changed is different now