latest 14 messages by mentok

+ [2016-07-14T23:16:36Z] mentok Quick question about pages if anyone can help? Locally, css seems to work fine, but when I push to the repo, it seems like it's only partially loading..
+ [2015-07-24T09:09:06Z] mentok Took a lot of googling, eventually found my answer on reddit
+ [2015-07-24T09:08:47Z] mentok sha
+ [2015-07-24T08:17:41Z] mentok
+ [2015-07-24T08:17:31Z] mentok yep. I had to hunt down someone elses repo and just look at how the layout and includes folders were setup. fixed.
+ [2015-07-24T08:00:14Z] mentok AHA I think I figured this one out too.
+ [2015-07-24T07:54:08Z] mentok It's a blurb of text I only want showing up on the front page, but if I throw it in defaults, wont that display it in all?
+ [2015-07-24T07:53:54Z] mentok here's my repo, for some reason I can't get the file _includes/header.html to appear in my index.html file
+ [2015-07-24T07:52:42Z] mentok gynter: Different issue now is being a bugger.
+ [2015-07-24T07:52:35Z] mentok Well I think I go that problem fixed actually.
+ [2015-07-24T05:31:21Z] mentok I do have a post in the _posts folder
+ [2015-07-24T05:31:09Z] mentok Checked my config.yml for any oddities for the local installation
+ [2015-07-24T05:30:39Z] mentok successfully installed jekyll locally via my git repo, and installed the github-pages gem, any ideas why if I go to my URL blog content shows fine, but locally I get a 404: ?
+ [2015-07-24T05:29:59Z] mentok morning.