+ [2016-07-16T22:54:36Z] p0lz jhass: yeah. Better way we found was to use events API
+ [2016-07-16T23:03:22Z] Lernaean_Hydra anyone else etting connection refused errors?
+ [2016-07-16T23:07:45Z] jhass nope
+ [2016-07-16T23:07:58Z] jhass what IP does github.com resolve to for you?

message no. 143663

Posted by p0lz in #github at 2016-07-16T21:27:21Z

Hello. I do 1 commit and git push, then I do 2 commits and then do git push. I want to know if there's a way by which I can find out that 2 commits were done in last git push
+ [2016-07-17T00:43:15Z] Themediator Hi, I'm having a lot of trouble uploading my code to github, I was hoping someone could help me out
+ [2016-07-17T00:43:42Z] jhass what do you try, what do you get?
+ [2016-07-17T00:44:12Z] Themediator I created the remote (?) repository on my computer
+ [2016-07-17T00:44:32Z] Themediator I used "git push -u origin master"
+ [2016-07-17T00:44:51Z] Themediator and it keeps telling me "Permission denied (publickey).