+ [2016-07-18T16:16:35Z] markizano To close the loop on my issue from earlier: id_rsa and id_rsa.pub must be a pair - if id_rsa.pub is a pub key for another id_rsa - ssh wont' complete the connection.
+ [2016-07-18T16:25:58Z] jhass well, that's not too surprising :P
+ [2016-07-18T21:46:41Z] ecksun Im out traveling and are having issues connecting to github via https, there seems to be an issue with the SSL handshake. Anyone got any idea why github is one of a couple of ssl sites I have issues connecting to?
+ [2016-07-18T22:26:55Z] Impaloo ecksun: quite a few people have been complaining about connectivity issues lately
+ [2016-07-18T22:27:43Z] Impaloo me included

message no. 143826

Posted by fahadash in #github at 2016-07-18T12:31:51Z

Can you juggle knives?
+ [2016-07-19T06:13:39Z] gargsms I have a private organization. How do I deploy using SSH to all the repositories of that org? I can just deploy to one repo to which I add my SSH key. If I try and use this key to other repo, it says the key is already used. Any method I can have access rights to all repositories with just one key?
+ [2016-07-19T09:45:58Z] lem-fr hi, how can I push a repository starting from a specific commit (my project has grown fo rbeing published on github, but older versions/commits have important credentials that have been cleaned from the code later)
+ [2016-07-19T10:27:47Z] lesshaste hi.. what does [MRG] stand for?
+ [2016-07-19T10:54:04Z] jhass lem-fr: so you didn't publish it yet?
+ [2016-07-19T11:11:38Z] lem-fr jhass: yes, i did NOT publish it yet (on github)