+ [2016-07-28T21:44:43Z] mrkurtz_ hey, anyone able to answer any of the questions on /r/netbox?
+ [2016-07-28T21:45:24Z] mrkurtz_ sorry, wrong window
+ [2016-07-28T22:18:27Z] ag4ve_ how do I make all the repos of an org in GHE anonymously visible?
+ [2016-07-28T22:21:57Z] ag4ve_ ie, I need a login for most repos but I have one org which is just to house external projects so there's no need to require auth to pull those repos
+ [2016-07-28T22:22:54Z] ag4ve_ s/for/to even pull/

message no. 144653

Posted by danslo in #github at 2016-07-28T12:58:25Z

Zeno`: maybe by looking for clues through the commit history, but otherwise no, not that I know of
+ [2016-07-29T07:43:11Z] atralhea- guys, is that ok to ask a technical question about an application on github issue page of it?
+ [2016-07-29T08:49:24Z] Zarthus atralhea-: GitHub issues are run by users, some may appreciate it and some will not. The only way to find out is if they supplied a CONTRIBUTING.md
+ [2016-07-29T08:50:03Z] canton7 projects that care probably have a note in the README, CONTRIBUTING, or issue template telling you where to get help if they don't want you using the issues
+ [2016-07-29T08:50:32Z] Zarthus yeah, if there's nothing it's probably ok
+ [2016-07-29T08:50:46Z] Zarthus some people can still get hot headed about it, but what can ya do