+ [2016-08-04T19:10:59Z] CKIDOW hi
+ [2016-08-04T19:13:02Z] CKIDOW need to generate sass sourcemap files… I tried to do this: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/3295cbed14f5489cabe43ab2fdd7c26b but no luck … using jekyll 3.1.6
+ [2016-08-04T19:13:03Z] jekyllrb Title: _config.yml · GitHub (at gist.github.com)
+ [2016-08-04T19:13:46Z] CKIDOW or do I have to use an external sass compiler?
+ [2016-08-04T19:16:15Z] CKIDOW any ideas?

message no. 145490

Posted by kristian_on_linu in #jekyll at 2016-08-04T17:53:56Z

how do I use a clearfix in jekyll?
+ [2016-08-05T14:16:03Z] nickjj does anyone know how to get jekyll-asset's image tags to use quotes for custom class names? it seems to strip them out which is a big problem for using > 1 css class
+ [2016-08-05T15:25:04Z] sohnyrin Hi! Question: Am I supposed to be able to use | in declaring front matter variables? I am trying to make my title appear on two lines, breaking at a specific point in the string but it doesn't seem to work...
+ [2016-08-05T15:27:19Z] miklb sohnyrin you could use Liquid to split that in the template
+ [2016-08-05T15:27:25Z] miklb [[ liquid }]
+ [2016-08-05T15:27:36Z] miklb [[ liquid ]]