+ [2016-08-11T23:02:43Z] Krands I changed my folder into _sass
+ [2016-08-11T23:04:43Z] Krands imported .scss files into folders si it's not messy
+ [2016-08-11T23:04:47Z] Krands so*
+ [2016-08-11T23:11:35Z] Krands huh
+ [2016-08-11T23:33:40Z] Krands Found

message no. 146403

Posted by zero-gravitas in #jekyll at 2016-08-11T16:17:27Z

hmm, if the hook is called each time though, it's the same thing right? I'm only thinking about this because I'm trying to be efficent and want to avoid super long build times. It's a big site as it is
+ [2016-08-12T03:46:18Z] DeeEff hey all, is there an easy way to show content from a subdirectory on a page above that subdirectory?
+ [2016-08-12T03:46:47Z] DeeEff like, if I had a blog/index.html, and blog/_posts/..., and wanted to show one of the posts on /index.html at the root, could I do it?
+ [2016-08-12T04:10:48Z] DeeEff ah, figured out what I could do, I just used {{ site.posts[0].content }}
+ [2016-08-12T04:10:52Z] DeeEff thanks #jekyll
+ [2016-08-12T14:28:47Z] awood any maintainers online at the moment? I've got some questions about a PR I submitted