latest 20 messages by Krands

+ [2016-10-19T20:05:06Z] Krands > reboot
+ [2016-10-19T20:05:02Z] Krands Will get on WSL
+ [2016-10-19T19:51:22Z] Krands is using jekyll on Windows bring much problems ?
+ [2016-10-19T19:50:58Z] Krands hi
+ [2016-08-24T23:23:09Z] Krands ?
+ [2016-08-24T23:23:07Z] Krands is rouge 1.7 in the jekyll's dependencies
+ [2016-08-24T21:12:09Z] Krands be more specific?
+ [2016-08-24T21:00:06Z] Krands because I double checked, and I don't see anything
+ [2016-08-24T20:59:49Z] Krands that's why I pasted my code, in case I made something wrong, which I could've missed
+ [2016-08-24T20:59:27Z] Krands Yes, I am adapting by my needs
+ [2016-08-24T20:58:50Z] Krands No I am not
+ [2016-08-24T20:57:04Z] Krands they are the same, the title exepted
+ [2016-08-24T20:56:22Z] Krands the blog, actually
+ [2016-08-24T20:56:11Z] Krands a mockup of my website
+ [2016-08-24T20:55:49Z] Krands I do it as your last link
+ [2016-08-24T20:54:52Z] Krands it's okay to paste a picture ?
+ [2016-08-24T20:54:32Z] Krands started from stratch
+ [2016-08-24T20:53:48Z] Krands the actual thing is that jekyll does not display more than 1
+ [2016-08-24T20:50:01Z] Krands {% for post in site.posts %}
+ [2016-08-24T20:49:50Z] Krands huho sorry