+ [2016-08-14T00:49:30Z] Zarthus you need to sync your branch
+ [2016-08-14T00:54:59Z] WACOMalt ok I managed to figure out the git shell stuff
+ [2016-08-14T15:40:54Z] l4v2 would I use resource instead of resources in routes path based on the actions or the occurneces inf the project? So say I have one shoping cart, but it ists many itmes, would that be resources items and resource cart show
+ [2016-08-14T15:41:00Z] l4v2 wrong room, sorry

message no. 146750

Posted by WACOMalt in #github at 2016-08-14T00:47:20Z

so I opened git bash, CD'ed to the right folder of the synced repo, typed git status
+ [2016-08-15T06:23:17Z] polyzen hi, any ideas on how to remove the duplicate references in this https://github.com/python-otr/pure-python-otr/issues/58
+ [2016-08-15T06:23:56Z] polyzen at the bottom
+ [2016-08-15T08:36:37Z] PaulePanter Hi. In GitHub Enterprise, how do I make a user an admin, so they can invite users, and have that admin bar at top?
+ [2016-08-15T08:36:53Z] PaulePanter Searching for *github make user admin* does not give useful results.
+ [2016-08-15T08:38:55Z] PaulePanter Man, too complicated.