latest 14 messages by WACOMalt

+ [2017-02-08T16:32:56Z] WACOMalt even cleared all corresponding appdata directories
+ [2017-02-08T16:32:44Z] WACOMalt I've tried uninstalling git, github desktop, cygwin and bash, and reinstalling it all
+ [2017-02-08T16:31:51Z] WACOMalt Generating and Publishing SSH Keys and starting SSH Agent failed
+ [2017-02-08T16:31:41Z] WACOMalt WARN|thread: 1|RepositoryHost|Failed to get organization.
+ [2017-02-08T16:31:25Z] WACOMalt TypeError: Cannot read property 'selectCommit' of null
+ [2017-02-08T16:31:18Z] WACOMalt Github Desktop is failing to clone or sync any more...
+ [2017-02-08T14:25:50Z] WACOMalt If I uninstall and reinstall Github Desktop, can I link it back up to the repos I already ahve synced?
+ [2017-02-08T14:24:59Z] WACOMalt but the debug log shows no errors or warnings. nothing but info lines
+ [2017-02-08T14:24:46Z] WACOMalt Hi everyone. I'm getting "Failed to Sync" in Github desktop no matter what I do or what repo I'm syncing
+ [2016-08-14T00:54:59Z] WACOMalt ok I managed to figure out the git shell stuff
+ [2016-08-14T00:47:33Z] WACOMalt but it doesnt show anything like "You have unmerged paths" like this guide says it should show
+ [2016-08-14T00:47:20Z] WACOMalt so I opened git bash, CD'ed to the right folder of the synced repo, typed git status
+ [2016-08-14T00:47:01Z] WACOMalt with a pull request. never done this before but it says I have to use git command line?
+ [2016-08-14T00:46:50Z] WACOMalt hey folks. I need help resolving a conflict