+[8 years ago]allejoif i understand correctly, you may have added the key as a deploy key instead +[8 years ago]doodadjsallejo: ok, thanks +[8 years ago]allejohttps://help.github.com/articles/error-key-already-in-use/ +[8 years ago]zrakhello +[8 years ago]zrakI have this situation ,my drupal 8 website is on the host,I installed Git and I set the repository folder in my pc. Now I want to download the website from the host in my folder and continue to work with it locally. Any directions from experience Git users!
+[8 years ago]bahi all +[8 years ago]baI need help :) +[8 years ago]baany1 here ? +[8 years ago]l4v2are there jobs just as a software maintainer? +[8 years ago]Kartagishello