+[2016-09-04T03:18:32Z]allejoif i understand correctly, you may have added the key as a deploy key instead +[2016-09-04T03:18:51Z]doodadjsallejo: ok, thanks +[2016-09-04T03:19:18Z]allejohttps://help.github.com/articles/error-key-already-in-use/ +[2016-09-04T22:54:52Z]zrakhello +[2016-09-04T22:55:20Z]zrakI have this situation ,my drupal 8 website is on the host,I installed Git and I set the repository folder in my pc. Now I want to download the website from the host in my folder and continue to work with it locally. Any directions from experience Git users!
it also says that "There are no SSH keys with access to your account"
+[2016-09-05T03:03:30Z]bahi all +[2016-09-05T03:03:41Z]baI need help :) +[2016-09-05T03:04:48Z]baany1 here ? +[2016-09-05T03:54:37Z]l4v2are there jobs just as a software maintainer? +[2016-09-05T06:54:40Z]Kartagishello