+ [2016-09-06T23:24:12Z] Nixola so it was just one repo working here
+ [2016-09-06T23:35:58Z] Nixola how do I undo my last commit (which I did not push yet)?
+ [2016-09-06T23:36:56Z] allejo git reset HEAD~
+ [2016-09-06T23:37:28Z] Nixola thanks
+ [2016-09-06T23:50:14Z] PBJmonster Will commits show up on my tracker on my profile if I don't use a valid email?

message no. 149659

Posted by amitprakash in #github at 2016-09-06T07:18:30Z

Specifically, we wish to allow only folks with the company email to be able to access our repos. It'd be even better if we could sign in via our GApps domain
+ [2016-09-07T03:47:36Z] drewery anybody knows how I can change the base branch of my branch from master to another branch?
+ [2016-09-07T03:47:42Z] drewery rebase doesn't seem to work in this case
+ [2016-09-07T06:06:46Z] Spring Impaloo, merely providing the ability to rename such files would be enough to be able to move them. Github already promotes the idea of using the web interface as a workflow, they even have a dedicated microsite about it.
+ [2016-09-07T06:47:57Z] peepsalot is there a way to view a diff between any two commits on the github site?
+ [2016-09-07T07:46:35Z] simenbrekken Hi, my workflow is probably similar to a lot of others. I create pull requests from feature branches that I later squash and merge on Github. I'm wondering if there's an easy way to clean up local branches that have merged using squash and merge. git branch --merged obviously doesn't list the branches since the merge was performed using --squash