+[2016-09-06T23:24:12Z]Nixolaso it was just one repo working here +[2016-09-06T23:35:58Z]Nixolahow do I undo my last commit (which I did not push yet)? +[2016-09-06T23:36:56Z]allejogit reset HEAD~ +[2016-09-06T23:37:28Z]Nixolathanks +[2016-09-06T23:50:14Z]PBJmonsterWill commits show up on my tracker on my profile if I don't use a valid email?
users can have multiple emails, so not sure your question really makes sense
+[2016-09-07T03:47:36Z]dreweryanybody knows how I can change the base branch of my branch from master to another branch? +[2016-09-07T03:47:42Z]dreweryrebase doesn't seem to work in this case +[2016-09-07T06:06:46Z]SpringImpaloo, merely providing the ability to rename such files would be enough to be able to move them. Github already promotes the idea of using the web interface as a workflow, they even have a dedicated microsite about it. +[2016-09-07T06:47:57Z]peepsalotis there a way to view a diff between any two commits on the github site? +[2016-09-07T07:46:35Z]simenbrekkenHi, my workflow is probably similar to a lot of others. I create pull requests from feature branches that I later squash and merge on Github. I'm wondering if there's an easy way to clean up local branches that have merged using squash and merge. git branch --merged obviously doesn't list the branches since the merge was performed using --squash