+[2016-09-09T19:00:20Z]ninguis there a reason someone who has committed to a repository many times would not be listed under the list you can view as "contributors"? +[2016-09-09T19:09:32Z]Impalooningu: it only counts commits in default branch +[2016-09-09T19:11:14Z]ninguImpaloo: he added another email to his account and that seems to have fixed it +[2016-09-09T19:11:16Z]ningunot sure why +[2016-09-09T21:13:27Z]briansteffensc/lose
I mean, not the one on github.com, but on with github syntax
+[2016-09-10T02:58:02Z]GeoIs there a way via git log to access the author real name (vice username) in Git Hub? +[2016-09-10T02:58:21Z]Geowhen I use %an, it gives me the username- I'd like to get that real name instead +[2016-09-10T09:29:26Z]GeekManHi=) +[2016-09-10T15:45:17Z]haasnIs it possible to disable the weird editor when editing a markdown file directly? (by clicking on the “edit” button on the web page) +[2016-09-10T15:45:26Z]haasnIt doesn't work in my browser and I want to use a plain textbox instead