latest 20 messages by haasn

+ [2016-09-10T15:53:51Z] haasn (slow internet)
+ [2016-09-10T15:53:48Z] haasn so I was trying to avoid that
+ [2016-09-10T15:53:45Z] haasn Zarthus: that requires cloning the repo, which is rather large in this case
+ [2016-09-10T15:45:46Z] haasn Or something like the markdown edit box for wiki articles, which works
+ [2016-09-10T15:45:26Z] haasn It doesn't work in my browser and I want to use a plain textbox instead
+ [2016-09-10T15:45:17Z] haasn Is it possible to disable the weird editor when editing a markdown file directly? (by clicking on the “edit” button on the web page)
+ [2016-08-29T14:02:34Z] haasn Does this also support e.g. viewing comment threads?
+ [2016-08-29T14:02:28Z] haasn 2016-08-29 03:42:45 preaction use the git command line client, with the git-hub helper
+ [2016-08-29T01:39:42Z] haasn I wish there was a “lite” version of the github web interface. It's horribly, unusably slow here :/
+ [2016-06-10T22:55:14Z] haasn doesn't seem like git-lfs is packaged by my distro either way
+ [2016-06-10T22:47:26Z] haasn I wonder if there's a difference between using git-lfs and just committing the file directly if I'm never going to change the files (they are reference examples, their bits are not going to need changing)
+ [2016-06-10T22:46:03Z] haasn the /raw/ links in a repo will work through git LFS magic, yes?
+ [2016-06-10T22:45:55Z] haasn ah right
+ [2016-06-10T22:45:49Z] haasn Displaying it inline is not really an issue, as long as users have a HTTP link that they could follow and view it in their browsers
+ [2016-06-10T22:40:47Z] haasn Hmm, if I could just include a HTTP hyperlink to the video file that would be fine, I don't really know much about Git LFS or how we can access it / gain storage for it as regular github users though
+ [2016-06-10T21:41:48Z] haasn I see GitHub provides git-LFS for working with repositories containing large files. Can I use this for wikis, as well? I want to use video clips as examples for my documentation, the total size of these clips is about 100 MB
+ [2016-05-11T02:09:04Z] haasn simply because “#1” and “#2” are readily and accidentally used in other contexts
+ [2016-05-11T02:08:49Z] haasn they're getting irrelevant mentions all over the place
+ [2016-05-11T02:08:39Z] haasn e.g. look at these real world issues:
+ [2016-05-11T02:08:33Z] haasn Would it make sense for issue numbering to start at some offset like 1000 instead of 1?