+[2016-10-04T23:22:20Z]sxlijini hate kramdown. +[2016-10-04T23:25:04Z]allejohow different is your markdown that the difference is noticeable? +[2016-10-04T23:28:26Z]sxlijinvery +[2016-10-04T23:29:53Z]sxlijinenough so that i am now reading kramdown docs to figure out how to fix my markdown +[2016-10-04T23:32:00Z]sxlijini'm sort of starting to see why github went with kramdown - the formatting rules are more stringent
ask your question and if someone can help, they will :)
+[2016-10-05T00:07:55Z]vegardxmarkdown is about as undefined as you can get it +[2016-10-05T00:08:15Z]allejocommonmark is an attempt to fix that +[2016-10-05T00:08:40Z]the_map#define markdown NULL +[2016-10-05T00:43:48Z]vegardxShowed markdown to some writers at work, they loved it. So it's still better than word. :p +[2016-10-05T00:43:58Z]vegardxs/writers/copywriters/