+ [2016-10-11T19:54:53Z] geri remote add?
+ [2016-10-11T19:55:09Z] nedbat geri: that is one of the commands you'll need, yes
+ [2016-10-11T19:55:15Z] geri ok nice
+ [2016-10-11T19:55:18Z] geri thanks so much
+ [2016-10-11T20:12:29Z] IonutVan_ so, any help?

message no. 153133

Posted by kandinsk1 in #github at 2016-10-11T06:16:22Z

but I can clone a new copy of the third project, so something is wrong with github, not with my connection (
+ [2016-10-12T06:15:17Z] SpComb I submitted a support request about kinda security-related issue with our repo yesterday, and no reply yet
+ [2016-10-12T06:15:39Z] SpComb any way to escalate or even confirm that it wasn't simply lost in the ether?
+ [2016-10-12T06:15:55Z] SpComb the foreign commits are still there in our repo
+ [2016-10-12T06:24:48Z] SpComb well the " When in doubt, email us: bounty@github.com" advice on the security program page doesn't seem very helpful, it just autoresponds
+ [2016-10-12T08:39:02Z] Zarthus SpComb: Better dealt with with github staff directly if you think it's a security error, accidental exposure could result in problems.