latest 5 messages by kandinsk1

+ [2016-10-11T06:16:22Z] kandinsk1 but I can clone a new copy of the third project, so something is wrong with github, not with my connection (
+ [2016-10-11T06:15:43Z] kandinsk1 preaction: yeah, thanks. I just tested something, and there is a second private repo I can't clone, while I can clone a third. And the second one I have access to for sure, I can't fetch it either from my existing local clone.
+ [2016-10-11T06:10:12Z] kandinsk1 preaction: thanks. For more detail: I always use ssh keys, and I can clone other projects from the same organisation. I use the scheme<org>/<repo>.git
+ [2016-10-11T05:51:45Z] kandinsk1 my manager just gave me access to a private github project on (by which I mean I can see it on the website), but I can't clone it in the terminal (Repository not found). What do I need to do?