+[2016-10-17T23:44:29Z]matkatmusic506 people, and everyone is silent :-/ +[2016-10-17T23:46:38Z]allejodownloading the zip file won't give you a copy of the git history +[2016-10-17T23:47:36Z]allejowhat you would have to do is clone the repo into a separate location on your machine and then copy your changes into that cloned version. from your cloned version, you'll be able to create and commit and/or branch and push it back to github +[2016-10-17T23:48:23Z]allejoalso, this isn't an official support channel so all of us are just hanging around willing to help if we can. we don't always have IRC open :) +[2016-10-17T23:50:22Z]allejohttps://guides.github.com/
since I turned on 2fa 'hub' stopped working for me
+[2016-10-18T00:14:35Z]matkatmusicah, thanks +[2016-10-18T00:14:49Z]matkatmusici've cloned the repo via XCode's "Check Out" +[2016-10-18T00:15:18Z]ryoshuI just noted https://github.com/PixarAnimationStudios +[2016-10-18T00:15:27Z]ryoshuworking on NetBSD port now +[2016-10-18T00:20:38Z]matkatmusicSo, i need to manually copy over my source files into this cloned version?