+ [2016-10-28T20:32:11Z] antzero I had height=48 weight=48, NOT height="48" weight="48"
+ [2016-10-28T20:32:30Z] antzero plain html renders it normally so I didn't notice immediatly
+ [2016-10-28T20:34:12Z] parkr :+1:
+ [2016-10-28T20:56:58Z] antzero parkr: thank you anyway, appreciated
+ [2016-10-28T23:16:00Z] miklb width might be better ;-)

message no. 154921

Posted by miklb in #jekyll at 2016-10-28T00:30:15Z

ishigoya yes, it still works. there is also [[paginate]]
+ [2016-10-30T14:40:21Z] dos000 ok just fighting with jekyll in docker and i am bout to give up ...
+ [2016-10-30T14:41:00Z] dos000 the jekyll:jekyll seems really broken :(((
+ [2016-10-30T14:42:27Z] dos000 it want to run every command in docker as root
+ [2016-10-30T14:43:24Z] dos000 and thats broken i think. i tried to switch to jekyll via multiple ways and failed misreably
+ [2016-10-30T18:24:04Z] georoot Hi i noticed that there was a GSOC project on creating an editor for jekyll. Was there any work done on that ?