latest 20 messages by dos000

+ [2016-10-31T02:56:11Z] dos000 i have to call install before any command now ... command: sh -c "bundle install --path vendor/bundler --without deploy && bundle exec jekyll build --watch"
+ [2016-10-31T02:55:23Z] dos000 ^^^ last line was meant for #docker
+ [2016-10-31T02:54:52Z] dos000 container_name: does not seem to affect image name
+ [2016-10-31T02:52:51Z] dos000 btw i am running this in docker which is maybe why this is happening ... here is my compose file ...
+ [2016-10-31T02:49:38Z] dos000 i chained bundle install folowed byt bundle exec and it seems to work
+ [2016-10-31T02:49:11Z] dos000 the docs dont mention it just says i cant find jekyll
+ [2016-10-31T02:48:47Z] dos000 there is something bundle install does as magic that seems not documented
+ [2016-10-31T02:48:29Z] dos000 it does not unfortunately
+ [2016-10-31T02:47:57Z] dos000 bundle exec does not take a --path
+ [2016-10-31T01:49:07Z] dos000 i want to do bundle execute jekyll and make it run
+ [2016-10-31T01:48:46Z] dos000 i have all my bundles in ./vendor/bin now ... my only problem is i cant figure how to tell bundle execute to find jekyll in ./vendor/bin/jekyll
+ [2016-10-31T01:38:43Z] dos000 jaybe: sorry for being thick .. i looked at the docs i still cant figure where bundle exec is finding the path
+ [2016-10-30T21:16:49Z] dos000 the docs do not mention the magic behind how bundle execute remembers it
+ [2016-10-30T21:15:55Z] dos000 anyone knows how bundle install --path vendor/bundler remmbers that path ? is it stored in the user dirctory ???
+ [2016-10-30T19:57:57Z] dos000 basically make sure vendor/bundler/ruby/2.3.0/bin/jekyll is in the path
+ [2016-10-30T19:57:21Z] dos000 i need to tell bundle exec where the location is for the bin
+ [2016-10-30T19:56:36Z] dos000 i am using jekyll and i did "bundle install --path vendor/bundler" how can i do 'bundle exec jekyll build' now ? it does not look like vendor/bundler is in the path ???
+ [2016-10-30T14:43:24Z] dos000 and thats broken i think. i tried to switch to jekyll via multiple ways and failed misreably
+ [2016-10-30T14:42:27Z] dos000 it want to run every command in docker as root
+ [2016-10-30T14:41:00Z] dos000 the jekyll:jekyll seems really broken :(((