+ [2013-12-23T19:15:38Z] emegea alive?
+ [2013-12-23T19:15:37Z] emegea hi
+ [2013-12-23T23:04:58Z] emegea hi
+ [2013-12-23T23:06:50Z] emegea alive?
+ [2013-12-23T23:42:55Z] emegea hi

message no. 15503

Posted by emegea in #jekyll at 2013-12-23T18:01:42Z

+ [2013-12-24T01:07:54Z] addos2 hi, can jekyll be used to create newspaper like section fronts/homepages?
+ [2013-12-24T01:08:01Z] jaybe sure
+ [2013-12-24T01:10:49Z] addos2 are there any examples of how to do something like that?
+ [2013-12-24T01:13:38Z] jaybe addos2, jekyllrb.com is a good place to start learning about how jekyll works and how to design templates. also this link regarding eh liquid template language: https://github.com/Shopify/liquid/wiki/Liquid-for-Designers
+ [2013-12-24T01:14:45Z] addos2 hmm, I guess I need to read it again, I never saw any examples, that I can recall, that did anything quite as complex as a newspaper section front/homepage. But maybe I am wrong